Saturday, October 31, 2020


October has been a tough month. I definitely felt the program intensifying. With tests being spaced closer together, I had a hard time adjusting to the change of pace.  Overall, I found the Neuromuscular and CV module to be the most difficult so far. In retrospect, I think I had a difficulty time adjusting to the change of pace and found myself not having sufficient study time. On the other hand, I am aware that the topics covered in that module have been challenging for me even in undergrad. On the bright side, I am confident I will come out of this with polished time management skills! 

For service this month, I was able to participate in a COVID-safe opportunity by mailing letters to seniors. I chose to write to two seniors who spoke Vietnamese and wrote my letters to them in Vietnamese in hope that they would find it comforting to read something personal in their native language. This was a fun challenge for me as I speak Vietnamese at home with my family, but there are not many instances where I get to practice writing in Vietnamese. My hope is that my letter cheered them up and that they can understand what I was trying to say! 

Overall, this first semester of the program feels like it's flying by. It's crazy to think that there is less than a month left of classes, but it will motivate me to power through these last exams. I'm grateful for all the amazing friends and classmates I have met so far. I've faced my own personal struggles during this past month, and the support of Tulane staff and faculty is one of my biggest blessings. I am planning to engage in more service soon and am looking forward to getting to know NOLA better.

Service Hours: 1.5